Thank you for your interest in the Redeemer Saints!
One way to register as a St. Charles Borromeo or Holy Redeemer parishioner is to download and complete the registration packet (PDF) and then email, mail, drop it off or put it in the collection on Sunday.
Forms are also available in the commons of each church and at the parish office.
What does it mean to be a "parishioner"?
Redeemer Saints parishioners are registered, practicing members of our vibrant and loving community, who joyfully live and boldly proclaim the Gospel.
Our parishioners are responsive to the needs of the poor and the vulnerable and are committed to growing as disciples and apostles to transform the world. Parishioners worship consistently at either Holy Redeemer or St. Charles Borromeo, and invest their time, talent, and treasure at either parish and in our local community.
The word "parish" comes from the Greek word "paroikia", which means "sojourning in a foreign land". This helps us remember that this world is not our home. Our parish is meant to help us reach our final homeland: heaven!
Whether to Holy Redeemer or St. Charles Borromeo - we are the Redeemer Saints!
Welcome home!