“Fireplace for Families” has been set up in the entrances of St Charles Borromeo and Holy Redeemer this month for parish members to be inspired to share their bounty with members of our parishes that could use a 'leg up' during Christmas and the winter season.
Please consider purchasing a gift card to Kwik Trip, Target, Miller’s Market, Bennetts or another store of your choosing, take the gift card to the parish office by December 13 and the cards will be distributed to families in need.
All Gift Cards are sent to families and individuals at the discretion of the Pastor and Trustees. Thank You for helping to make a difference in someone who may sit next to you at Mass - or even someone you have not had the privilege of meeting.
Regardless - we are all part of the same family! Welcome Home!
Financial gifts may be also sent in to the parish office and we will help purchase the gift cards for you. Simple write: "Fireplace for Families" in the Memo.
St. Charles Borromeo
1900 E. 6th St.
St. Charles, MN 55972